Board of Directors
2023-2024 Board of Directors
The Terry Tan Board of Directors consists of seven elected volunteer parents and community representatives who work together to manage the organization on behalf of the general membership.
The Board develops policies, makes informed decisions in keeping with the centre's by-laws and reviews its general operation in collaboration with the Executive Director and Site Supervisors.
Board members meet a minimum of six times a year to set policies in accordance with the Province of Ontario Child Care and Early Years Act.
Dates and times of Board meetings are noted in the Bloordale and Eatonville Newsletter, which is sent electronically to families each month. All meetings are open to parents and staff.
Each year, at the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors for the following year is elected by the membership. Each family with a child/children enrolled at the centre for the 60 days before the Annual General Meeting is considered member and will have one vote at the meeting.
Our by-laws state that the term of office for a Director is two years, with half of the Board rotating each year. The by-laws do allow for Directors to run for more than one term. Parents will be notified of upcoming parent vacancies on the Board through the centre newsletter. Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors during a term will be appointed by the Board for the balance of the term. Terry Tan Child Centre by-laws and policies are available to all parents upon request.